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Annual Residency Requirements

New this year Fort Osage is moving to a centralized enrollment process.  Look for an email and information on July 1 on how current Fort Osage families will complete the annual enrollment process by July 17.  Our goal is to have 100% of our annual enrollments completed by July 17. Help us reach our goal. 

To help you get prepared, you will need to have the following information ready on July 1 to complete the online process:

  • Your user name and password for the parent portal.  If you need help with your username and password please call your school or our District Office at 816-650-7000.

  • Proof of residency to upload as a document or image (1 document required for returning students, 2 documents for new students). Bills must be dated June 1, 2024 or after and shut-off or disconnect notices cannot be accepted. Applications without the proof of residency document attached will be returned to the parent for completion. See the attached graphic for acceptable documents.