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Health Services

Welcome to Fort Osage Health Services Web Page. We are here to help you keep your child healthy for learning.          

Infinite Campus: Please use the Parent Portal to enter your student’s health info as part of your 2024-25 student registration (completed for every returning student).  Please complete the Medical Condition portion in Infinite Campus - Prior to schedule pickup.  

Action Health Plans are available for severe allergies, asthma, seizures, and diabetes for you to complete prior to the school year beginning, please contact your school nurse with the completed form. Forms are available on the Fort Osage web-site (under ‘Parent/student’  then Health Services). If your child needs to carry Life Saving/Emergency medication please complete the forms and contact the health room.

Medication/Illness Guidelines: Please check out the Health Services page on the Fort Osage Web site -- under the Parent/Student tab, for guidelines and forms.  HIGH SCHOOL ONLY -- With the proper permission form completed student’s may carry regular Tylenol or ibuprofen.  Please contact the health room for this form, or it can be completed by a parent/legal guardian at registration/schedule pick up. 

Injury/Surgery Guidelines:

If your child has a health need, please contact your building school nurse -- see the Health Service Web Page for health room phone numbers. We look forward to talking with you and developing a specific health plan to assist your child. Nurses are available a week before school starts to be sure all plans are ready.  Please call for an appointment, as we are in and out of our buildings or in meetings. 

School is important, but if you are sick stay home. 

  • Surgery: If your child has surgery--please ask for a "return to school" note, along with any restrictions.  We also need a doctor's release note for return to full participation. 
  • Injury: We will need a doctor's note for significant injuries requiring accommodations of no PE/Weight Training, access to the elevator, etc.  We will also need a doctor's release note for return to full participation.   


If you have questions or concerns please feel free to contact your child's health room directly.

Blue Hills 650-7443
Buckner 650-7308
Cler-Mont 650-7354
Elm Grove 650-7404
Indian Trails 650-7648              Fire Prairie 650-7165
Osage Trail 650-7135
High School 650-7045
Lewis & Clark 650-7708
Woodland  650-7480